Meet The Team

Get to Know the Good People of READ Foundation

Ozzie Palmer

Founder and President

Reginald Patterson

Marketing Director

Anthony Bowman

Program Director

Deborah Palmer Snow

Senior IT Privacy/Security

Bryan Barnett

Artist/Content Creator

Zach DeLucco

Music Production/Artist

Maria Carrion Vazquez

Instructional Aide
Meet The Team

Get to Know the Good People of READ Foundation

Ozzie Palmer

Founder and President

Reginald Patterson

Marketing Director

Anthony Bowman

Program Director

Deborah Palmer Snow

Senior IT Privacy/Security

Bryan Barnett

Artist/Content Creator

Zach DeLucco

Music Production/Artist

Maria Carrion Vazquez

Instructional Aide
Meet The Team

Get to Know the Good People of READ Foundation

Ozzie Palmer

Founder and President

Reginald Patterson

Marketing Director

Anthony Bowman

Program Director

Deborah Palmer Snow

Senior IT Privacy/Security

Bryan Barnett

Artist/Content Creator

Zach DeLucco

Music Production/Artist

Maria Carrion Vazquez

Instructional Aide

Be A Part of Noble Work

Be A Part of Noble Work